Erasmus+ strategic project – KA201
There is a need of a deeper ornithological approach at the biology classes with the SECONDARY STUDENTS (who are the TARGET GROUP of the present project), not only for the sake of better knowledge of the avian fauna, but for knowing how this fauna is in relation with different habitats, other animals and plants and how the humans can influence different environments either leading to the destruction of their habitats and the decline of the bird species relying on these, or to the creation of different protection zones promoting birds’ thriving. A three year strategic project was envisaged, submitted, approved and finally implemented, in 2020-2023, between eight secondary schools, located in different corners of Europe. The project is suggestively named „Birds Overs European Skies”, and one of the major objectives is to promote ornithological knowledge among 800 students (at least 100 students from each school) through birding activities, field work, presentations, contests about birds, quizzes, exhibitions, etc.
An example of field notebook to be used with the students during outdoor activities (in Romanian)
The birds observation notebook, created for the Romanian students while attending the outdoor birding activities. It contains the golden rules of birding and a list of the most probable avian species to encounter in their region.
The diversification of the teaching approaches during the biology classes, in a cluster of 8 secondary schools, with focus on improved ornithological knowledge among secondary students by means of ornithological research activities and international cooperation, using pedagogical auxiliaries describing the European avian fauna.
- Colegiul Național „Simion Bărnuțiu” Șimleu Silvaniei, ROMÂNIA (coordonator)
- Ekpedeftiria Vassiliadi, Thessaloniki, GREECE
- 5 Gymnasio Mytilhnhs, Mytilini, GREECE
- I.I.S. Mario Rigoni Stern, Bergamo, ITALY
- Anyksciai Distr. Troskunai Kazys Inciura Gymnasium, Anykksciai, LITHUANIA
- Zespol Szkol Lesnych, Ruciane Nida, POLAND
- Epralima – Escola Profissional Doalto Lima – Cooperativa De Interesse Publico E Responsabilidade Limitada, Arcos de Valdevez, PORTUGAL
- Akhisar Anadolu Imam Hatip Lisesi, Akhisar, TURKEY
The depicted photos can be found in the main intellectual outputs of the project – the bird atlases edited in EN, RO, GR and PL. Their authors are duly marked in the Photo credits section of the books which are available for download at the Results page of this site.
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